lunes, 21 de junio de 2010

Condensed matter physics covers a wide variety of different problems

Condensed matter physics covers a wide variety of different problems, which involve systems as different as polymers, electrons constrained to move in two dimensions, exotic magnets, multi-component fluids, superconductors, and even populations of infectious or economic agents. We study systems as hard to manufacture as ultraclean semiconductor `sandwiches', or as commonplace as water ice.

Despite this large variety, there is a common thread to our research: we seek to understand the collective behaviour of systems which consist of large numbers of constituent elements. Such collective behaviour often turns out to be very rich and complex.

Equally varied as the research topics are the methods employed to study them, which range from elaborate quantum field theories to computer-based studies, for the most intensive of which we have dedicated computer clusters.

These methods are not peculiar to condensed matter physics; rather, they provide the common language of theoretical physics, which enables the interchange of ideas with other disciplines such as high energy or astrophysics.

We are also in a good position to maintain strong links to experimental physics: the Dresden area also houses a strong experimental condensed matter and materials research effort. Notable research institutions are the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, the Institut fuer Werkstoffwissenschaften and of course the Technical University, all of which are located in the immediate vicinity of our institute. We are also lucky to have the the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf with its free electron laser and high mangnetic field laboratory just outside Dresden.

Our department and the institute organises regular seminars and workshops, many with visiting speakers and others showcasing the recent work of its own members. Graduate students can also benefit greatly from the International Max Planck Research School.

We very much welcome interest in our group! If you need information you cannot find on these webpages, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the group secretary (Regine Schuppe) or the member of our group who interests you most.

Nombre: Franklin J. Quintero C.
Asignatura: CRF
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